Site Builder Elite created by Gary Nugent to helping online users or webmasters to build your own virtual real estate empire easily. To build a quality website can take a huge amount of time and many people are frustrated at the low levels of money they earn from Adsense ads placed on their pages. Instead of putting all your time into one website, why not put a small amount of time into many websites and start building a Virtual Real Estate Empire? From the site builder elite, you will able to build the website as an automatic option below:-
Adsense adblocks are included as standard.
Includes a Privacy Policy page and a Terms of Service (TOS) page.
Includes Home, and Sitemap links in your navigation bar. Your sitemap is created when you build your site.
25 links are randomly selected from your sitemap.
Content from RSS feeds appears on all pages making each page dynamic.
Content from RSS feeds is related to the keyword for your page.
"Read more..." links that appear below RSS news items and on your (optional) Articles page open stories in a new window.
Randomized title and description metatags to hide your site's footprints from the search engines.
Sites are Serch Engine Optimized (SEO) by including each page's keyword in the Title, Description and Keywords metatags.
A Permalink is added to the bottom of each page to aid in SEO.
Have randomly rotating images beside your Adsense ads to draw the reader's eye.
Create keyword rich (if human unreadable) articles that search engines love.
Change the colors on your website.
Include a Contact page.
Include a Resources Page.
Cache your pages for faster loading times.
And much more.
For more information, please visit Site Builder Elite.
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